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#TGIF: Figaro

#TGIF: Figaro

Month of May has ended. A new month has started. New beginnings. New goals. New Me. And before the month ends, my friend Aix and Me, headed to Glorietta to have some coffee, well, when we were still at the office we’ve decided to chillax atCBTL, Greenbelt but due to sudden changes on our plan as we also had other commitments, we just decided to have coffee on the first coffee shop that we’ve seen, we were passing Glorietta then when we saw Figaro.  

It was Aix first time to Figaro and me.. hmmm.. been invited to a Figaro event for like three times and had coffee with P for like twice. But then, despite of that, I can’t suggest something to Aix aside from Milk Teas. Silly me, maybe because during those visit, i just had water, muffin, milk teas, cakes, arrgggh, can’t remember at all because its been a while.

We ordered Light Caramel Coffee and Oreo Cheesecake Cookie. The caramel coffee tastes good, it was not that sweet, which I thank God that Aix liked it too. However, the Oreo Cheesecake cookie was a big dissapointment. The fork was useless because we used our hands with effort to cut it into two. Maybe, it was just us that don’t expect that cookie should be that way, stiff.

Anyways, forget about the cookie because we were also busy talking a lot of things that happened to our lives – lovelife, life, friends, joke that turns out to be serious, funny things, business and more. An hour or two or even a day is not enough for us since we have so much to talk to whether with sense or non-sense things that could make us laugh. I’m grateful to have them as my friends. Hopefully, next Friday, the gang will be complete – the six of us (K, A, M, Y, Aix and Me).

‘Til next #TGIF edition.

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