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5 Simple Secrets to Having Healthy Hair

5 Simple Secrets to Having Healthy Hair

The hair is human’s crowning glory. It affects not only our appearance but also our overall hygiene. Healthy hair is directly correlated to the health of your scalp and vice versa. If you don’t take good care of your scalp, you may suffer from eczema, dermatitis, and other scalp problems, making your hair dry, rough, or prone to breakage.

If you live by the beach, let’s say in a picturesque lot for sale in Siargao, the sun can dry your hair, make it brittle, and fade its color. Though not necessarily damaging to the hair, the saltwater may swell the cuticle on the outside layer of your hair, making it look rough, which contributes to your hair becoming tangled and knotty, which irritates your scalp.

On the other hand, air pollution can also affect your scalp’s health. If you are staying in an apartment for sale in Manila and in other urban areas of the Philippines, the pollution and harmful sun rays may decrease the level of a specific protein in your hair follicle. This may inhibit the growth of your locks.

To make your hair healthy, here are simple tips you can incorporate into your existing haircare routine:

    Eat Healthy Amounts of Protein, Zinc, and Omega-3

    Hair is primarily made up of protein, so it is recommended that you eat at least 45 grams of protein a day. You may get a good amount of protein from eggs, low-fat dairy products, beans, lean meat, poultry, and fish. Zinc deficiency can also contribute to hair loss. So incorporate nuts in your diet to fight the shedding of your locks. You should also eat vegetables and fruits and drink plenty of clean water.

    Healthy consumption of omega-3 fatty acids will help stimulate your hair follicles and sebaceous cells. Not only does it promote hair growth, but it also improves the overall health of your scalp. Salmon, sardines, flaxseed, cottage cheese, yogurt, and cereal are good sources of omega-3. In addition to a healthy diet, getting regular vitamin drips can also help promote healthy hair growth. Vitamin drip in Los Angeles can provide a customized blend of vitamins and nutrients that your body may be lacking, such as B vitamins and biotin, which are essential for healthy hair.

    Apply a Scalp Sunscreen

    You read that right; there's sunscreen for your scalp! Your scalp is often overlooked, but it is also vulnerable to UVA and UVB sun rays. There are hair and scalp sunscreen products available on the market. They come in liquid, balm, and lotion formulations.

    If you’re heading out on a sunny day, whether to the beach or your office in the metro, don’t forget to apply sunscreen on your scalp. You may also don your favorite hat or cap to protect your scalp and hair. 

    Do Not Over Shampoo and Conditioner Your Hair

    Use the right amount of shampoo and conditioner to cover your hair, and do not wash your hair more than once a day. When using shampoo, apply it to the roots only and massage thoroughly. Make sure to select shampoos and conditioners according to your hair type and avoid those with harsh ingredients, including ammonium lauryl sulfate or sodium lauryl sulfate.

    When conditioning your hair, comb the conditioner for even distribution and let it stay at least two minutes before rinsing. There's no need to put conditioner on your scalp since the hairs near your scalp are moisturized. Make sure to condition the ends of your hair as they are often prone to drying and damage.

    Be Mindful of the Heat and Cold

    When washing and rinsing your hair, avoid using very hot or cold water. Treat your hair gently when it's wet to avoid breakage, and don’t dry it excessively with a towel. Use a wide-toothed comb to detangle but thoroughly comb your hair once it's dry. Additionally, you can switch to using microfiber towels or cotton shirts to prevent frizz and breakage.

    Instead of blow-drying your hair every day, it is best to air dry it whenever possible. If you use heating products, don’t forget to apply a heat protectant serum prior. Always start on the lowest heat setting and slowly increase the temperature as needed.

    Give Your Hair and Scalp Some TLC

    Massage your scalp often to promote blood circulation and hair growth. When shampooing, you can use a silicone scalp massager as it helps remove dead skin cells and lessen scalp tension. Don’t forget to cut it regularly, about 10 to 12 weeks, to prevent split ends.

    5 Simple Secrets to Having Healthy Hair

    Avoid excessive stress as this can also affect your hair. When it comes to styling, avoid tight buns and, if possible, make sure that the use of hair treatments and styling products are at a minimum. If you have chemically-treated hair, use a deep conditioner or hair treatment mask to retain your hair’s moisture. Similar to your skin, your hair is one of your biggest investments. Make sure to protect your hair and keep it healthy by following these tips!

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